Chronic Rhinitis - What, Symptoms, Treatments?

Chronic Rhinitis can be very uncomfortable. Rhinitis is the term for an inflammation of the inner lining of the nose and ‘chronic’ means that it has been continuing for more than four consecutive weeks. There could be a number of different causes of Chronic Rhinitis and treatments vary from person to person - if you have had your symptoms for more than four weeks then it’s something that is worth looking into.

What is Chronic Rhinitis?

It’s an inflammation of the inner nose lining that continues into the long term. This is usually caused by an over-stimulation of the nose, which could be triggered by something as simple as hayfever or a dust allergy. Many irritants, such as perfume or other people’s cigarette smoke, can also be responsible for triggering the condition and it can even be caused by changes in the weather. Diet - for example eating spicy food - can also be the reason that you end up with Chronic Rhinitis or it could be a response to medication that you’re taking or another health issue, such as acid reflux or a viral infection.

The symptoms of Chronic Rhinitis

These are some of the physical responses that you might expect to an inflammation of the inner lining of the nose:

  •  A runny, stuffed or blocked up nose
  •  Itching and a constant urge to sniff
  •  A post-nasal drip and coughing that may be caused by this
  •  A blocked nose that affects smell and taste

What’s the best way to treat Chronic Rhinitis?

If you’re struggling with the above symptoms, the first step is always to schedule a consultation with an ENT specialist so that you can get confirmation of a Chronic Rhinitis diagnosis. Your specialist will then be able to help identify what is going to be the right treatment for you. There are a number of different options available when it comes to treating Chronic Rhinitis, including nasal sprays and drops. Antihistamines, which are essentially anti-allergy medication, can also be very useful if that’s what has triggered your Chronic Rhinitis. In addition, you can try steam inhalations to help ease the symptoms and salt water nasal rinses or douching. There are also a number of options available when it comes to surgery if the symptoms continue even after some treatment. For example, the inner lining of the nose can be trimmed by cauterisation or coblation. Cryotherapy to the nerves in the nose is also another, less invasive option.

Does Chronic Rhinitis cause any complications?

For most people the main complication of Chronic Rhinitis will be the impact that the symptoms have on daily life. These can be draining, make work and sleep problematic and also have an affect on mental health. Chronic Rhinitis may also cause nasal polyps that can end up blocking the airway and making breathing harder, as well as being a trigger for sinusitis.
Chronic Rhinitis isn’t usually a condition that causes a lot of problems if it is properly treated. However, it’s always a good idea to make sure you get your symptoms checked out.

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