Got Summer Allergies? Here are our tips for managing them...

Allergic Rhinitis - otherwise known as allergies - can cause a lot of problems, especially during the summer (or late summer) when allergy season is still peaking. If you regularly suffer from allergies then you’ll know that they can make you feel very unwell and have a wide ranging impact on your life and work. If you’re struggling with summer allergies right now these are our tips for managing them.

What are allergies?

They are basically an inflammatory condition that develops when the immune system reacts in a certain way. This usually happens if your immune system has become sensitised to something in the environment, such as pollen or dust, and reacts badly to it. Seasonal allergies are usually triggered by pollen and you can suffer with summer allergies all the way through from spring to the end of autumn.

Understanding summer allergies

If you’re suffering specifically with summer allergies then you’re usually being triggered by mold spores or pollen from trees, grass or weeds. This is different to experiencing perennial allergies, which tend to affect your system all year round. Summer allergies symptoms include itchy eyes, sneezing, a runny nose, sore throat and feeling tired due to a lack of sleep. If you’re not entirely sure what allergies are affecting you right now then allergy testing can be a simple and fast way to identify the source of the problem. This is usually done through skin prick testing or blood examinations and will help you to identify your key allergy triggers so that you can find the right treatment.

Managing summer allergies

There are a number of ways that you can start managing your summer allergies so that it doesn’t feel like they are managing you. These include:

  • Keep an eye on pollen counts - when these are very high or peaking, stay inside and remember to keep doors and windows shut. Closing doors and windows at work and home, and also in your car, can help to significantly reduce how much you are affected.
  • Use air conditioning as often as you can to help filter out the pollen that is the source of so much trouble.
  • Regularly wash your face and hands so that you’re constantly removing any pollen that may have landed there.
  • Before you go to sleep at night, have a shower and wash your hair so that you’re not taking pollen to bed with you, which could disrupt your sleep.
  • Wash your bedding at least once a week in a hot wash so that you can ensure that any pollen in it is fully removed.
  • When you’re outside, wearing sunglasses can be very useful for protecting your eyes and keeping stray pollen from getting into them.
  • Investigate medication. There are a number of medications that can help seasonal allergies sufferers, including intranasal steroids and antihistamines.

Summer allergies can make life very difficult during the months when pollen is at its peak but there are ways to manage your symptoms if you’re a sufferer.

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