Tips for Rhinoplasty aftercare

Rhinoplasty is a very common procedure today and one that can make a big difference to your experience of life. Cosmetic nose surgery may be necessary for a number of different reasons, for example if you have suffered an injury, you have a birth defect or you’re looking to correct breathing problems a rhinoplasty may be the obvious choice. It’s a procedure that can be used to change the size and symmetry of the nose, correct angles and shape, and have a big impact on appearance. If you’re going to go through the process of a rhinoplasty then it’s important to make sure that you know how to look after yourself once the procedure has been done.

  • Make sure you stay in the right position. After the surgery it will be essential to keep your head elevated, as this will keep bleeding and swelling to a minimum.
  • Maintain any protection in place. If your nose has packaging material and splints in then you need to make sure that these are kept in place to ensure proper healing. These can be properly removed, or replaced, when you go back for another appointment.
  • Be cautious around water. It’s fine to have a shower or a bath the day after your rhinoplasty but be careful about getting your nose wet. It’s very important to avoid the shower spray directly hitting your nose and to make sure that the water isn’t too hot.
  • It’s normal for there to be some bleeding after your procedure. There is no need to be concerned if there is some bleeding after your rhinoplasty. However, if you are experiencing continual bleeding then you may be reassured by getting in touch with your clinician.
  • Give your body time to rest and heal. Strenuous activity, such as aerobics or running, should be avoided while your nose is healing.
  • It’s essential to avoid blowing your nose. You’ll need to try and avoid this for at least a week after the rhinoplasty. When you’ve had a procedure like this you’ll need to give your body time to heal and allow the tissues in your nose to settle. Not blowing your nose will help to avoid disrupting the healing tissue in your nose and will ensure that stitches remain in place.
  • Make sure you’re using sun protection. You’ll need to be careful in the sun for at least six months after the rhinoplasty. A high factor sun scream as well as protection, such as a hat, may be essential.
  • Schedule in your follow up. You’ll be asked to come back for a follow up appointment within a week of your rhinoplasty. It’s essential to make sure that you attend this appointment as you’ll get the reassurance that your nose is healing in the right way. This is an opportunity to ask any questions about future healing and your clinician will also be able to remove any packing and dressings.

Rhinoplasty is a simple procedure but also one that requires care and attention in the weeks afterwards.

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