What is the Most Common Reason for Snoring?

The most common reason for snoring is probably a blocked nose. Most of us will occasionally wheeze, whistle or snore when we have a cold that is stuffing up our airways. However, this kind of snoring is usually temporary and goes away when the infection clears up.

For many people, snoring is a more permanent problem. Some people snore frequently, which can be very difficult for anyone who is sharing the room. Snoring can also be a sign that we aren’t getting the best quality sleep, and in some cases it can be caused by breathing problems that could be very serious if we don’t get the right snoring treatment.

If you snore regularly or you think that your breathing is affected, then it is important to see an ENT specialist to find out the cause and what snoring treatment is available to help.

Why Do People Snore?

Snoring is the sound that happens when part of the respiratory system moves or vibrates as we breathe during sleep. The vibrations can happen if the airways are narrower than usual or if there is some kind of blockage. As the air passes, it can cause structures such as the uvula or soft palate to shake, which creates a sound. The sound can range from a soft snuffle to a grating snore. Depending on the cause of the problem, snoring treatment may be able to help.

Common Causes of Snoring

You are more likely to snore if you:

  • Smoke
  • Have drunk alcohol
  • Are overweight
  • Lie on your back when you sleep

All of these can make your throat relax or place more pressure on your airways, which can increase the chances that you will snore.

However, there are also some medical conditions that can make you snore at night. Some of the possible causes of snoring are:

  • Enlarged tonsils or adenoid glands are a particularly common cause of snoring in children, but they can affect adults too.
  • A deviated septum or other structural problems in the nose can make you snore. Surgery can be an option to correct these kinds of breathing problems.
  • Nasal polyps or growths can also restrict the flow of air through your nose. It may be possible to remove them surgically.
  • Allergies or asthma can narrow your airways, resulting in snoring. If you have an allergy such as hayfever, you may notice that you only snore at certain times, such as during pollen season.
  • Sleep apnoea happens when the airway relaxes so much that it gets blocked. It can be very serious as your breathing can be interrupted when you are sleeping.

Snoring can happen for many different reasons and it can sometimes be a sign of a potentially serious issue that requires treatment. It’s therefore a good idea to consult a doctor if you snore a lot, especially if you’ve also noticed any kind of breathing problems at night. Getting the right snoring treatment could help you to enjoy a better night’s sleep and reduce the risk of any complications.

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The Harley Street ENT clinic in London can provide all of the care that you need when you have an ear, nose, throat or balance problem. We ensure that you can get all of the right tests, treatments and advice in one convenient place.